Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Never Forget

As I reflect on the meaning of today's date, I think about the impact it has had on the lives of people everywhere. I'm so grateful for the love and support of people everywhere--I was in Italy when the towers went down and I saw first-hand how people from all over the world responded with love and compassion.

It is with that thought that I send my gratitude out for all cultural exchange programs that help bridge cultural gaps and bring a sense of unity and love.  I feel that only through understanding each other and through meeting people on a personal level can we achieve world peace.

Never Forget...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

DS-2019 and I-20 Information Update

Go Au Pair will be sending the following information out in all Au Pair Welcome Packets when they arrive to the United States:

Important information regarding DS 2019 and I-20
There has been a recent change with regard to the processing of I-20 and DS-2019 forms at ports of entry. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has stopped the practice of placing admission stamps on these forms upon entry. This has caused problems for some Au Pairs, especially at Social Security Administration (SSA) and DMV offices, where some participants were being turned away and asked to secure the stamp.
After looking into this issue, it was learned from CBP that it had indeed instituted this change, but had neither posted the change to its website, nor shared the change widely with all of its field offices (some CBP offices were still unaware of the change and forms were still being stamped). 
CBP has since posted the information to its website and is now communicating with SEVP, SSA, and DMVs about the change. With the information about the change now getting out to the relevant parties, most of the problems should hopefully subside.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Featured Country for September--MEXICO!!

This month Mexico is Go Au Pair's featured country, match with a Mexican au pair this month and receive $100 off of your program fees.

Click here to learn more about the wonderful culture, food, and people of Mexico.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

Go Au Pair offices will be closed on Monday, September 3rd in honor of Labor Day.  If you are a Host Family or an Au Pair and need assistance this weekend, your Local Area Representative is available to assist anytime.

Have a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend!