Monday, December 17, 2012

Childcare in time for the Holidays!

So Christmas is only a week away, you have your hands full getting all the last minute shopping done, but you can't help but stress about the fact that you need full time help for Christmas break and for when school starts again in January.  You also don't have babysitters set up yet for your several adult only holiday parties.  How can you possibly get everything done and find a full time sitter during this busy season?!

Well, you're in luck! Carmen is available to live-in and be your au pair starting Friday, December 21st. She is 24 years old and has experience caring for children 0-10 years old. She enjoys cooking, sewing, and outdoor activities. She is a college graduate and speaks English, Spanish, and French.


Call Go Au Pair today so that you can interview Carmen and see if she is your perfect solution!

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