Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cabin Fever

I often wonder how children are able to spend every day stuck inside of a daycare center or in home daycare--where the caretakers are unable to take them out--without getting a bad case of cabin fever! 

I had a friend who cared for children at home and she complained to me that because she had various children from different parents who had different requirements and needs for their children, she was unable to go anywhere during the day.  She even had some parents who requested she not take her children anywhere--not even the park!  So, that left every other child she cared for stuck in the house with no outdoor time and no opportunity to explore and learn.

Then, you look at daycare centers.  They are unable to take the children on daily trips to the library, museums, malls, parks, etc.  It's just not feasable with the number of children they have and the different times they are coming and going, etc. 

So, here again, I go back to boasting about what a great childcare option having an au pair can be.  You don't have to worry about what other parents want, the au pair is there for YOUR FAMILY and only your family.  You don't have to worry about the few times a daycare center does take your kids out and have to wonder if there are sufficient adults to manage all the children--and if your child will stay with the group or get lost.  The au pair would responsible for YOUR CHILD(REN), and only YOUR CHILD(REN). 

I just read an article on about how important fresh air is for children and the importance of everyday outdoor time that will help build their sensory stimulation (the birds, the sun, the dirt) that can't be replicated indoors.  When you have an au pair, you run the show.  If you want your children to have outdoor time, museum time, library time, etc.  You tell her!  She'll make sure it's done.  I love that!  What a unique opportunity for your children to learn and to grow. 

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