Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Busy Bags

A group of us are getting together next week to do a "Busy Bag Exchange".  I had never heard about it before my friend planned this exchange and I love the idea!  I thought it would be fun to share with you so that either au pairs can get together to do it or even mothers who are interested can put something together.

Here is a link to what Busy Bags are:  http://therigneys.wordpress.com/2011/08/26/toddler-busy-bag-swap/.  Basically it's a bag full of different learning activities for young children to do to keep busy (at home, in the car, at church, in waiting rooms, etc). We have a group of 21 women getting together.  Each person is assigned or chooses an activity that they will make for each child and when we get together, each of us will get one of each activity in a separate plastic baggie to bring home to use for our children--making 21 different activities for our kids to choose from!  Obviously I'll keep the big bag at home and just take a few different ones each time I go out.  

One thing we made sure of is to ask everyone to laminate anything that is made of paper so that they stay good for a long time.

Here are some links to other Busy Bag Ideas:

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