Monday, July 23, 2012

What is a DS-2019?

Once an au pair arrives, there are a lot of questions regarding their paperwork.  One of the main questions asked is "What is a DS-2019?"

What I always tell my au pairs and families is to look for the form that the au pair was given by their US Sponsor Agency (in our case, Go Au Pair) to take to the US Embassy to apply for their Au Pair Visa (basically, their visa application form).  It is a white form with a bar code on the right hand side.  This form was stamped when they entered the US and should be kept in a safe place as it is not replaceable.

When an au pair travels outside of the US, she will need the DS-2019 form validated by her sponsor agency (Go Au Pair) before she leaves the US.  She will be asked to provide the form when re-entering the US at the port of entry.  This proves that she her visa status is in good standing.  Without the form, she would be denied re-entry.

In order to have the form validated, you will need to FedEx or UPS (don't send it regular post as I said above the form is irreplaceable) it, along with $30 so that they can return it to you, to Go Au Pair--151 East 6100 South, Murray, UT 84107. The responsible officer at Go Au Pair will sign the form and return it via Fed Ex to you.  Note that you only need to have the form validated once, so if you decide to travel multiple times during your year, just be sure to take the form with you when you travel.

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